Monday, June 8, 2015

"The Martian" Trailer Released

Our first look at Mars is finally here...

Ever since I first heard about the plot of "The Martian" and the talent they brought to bring it to life, I was excited to see it come to fruition. Although most people didn't like Ridley Scott's "Prometheus", I found it to be an exciting, beautiful and haunting film so naturally I was excited to see Scott back in the sci-fi genre. And this looks great.

The story centers around astronaut Mark Watney who is accidentally left behind when the rest of the crew evacuate the planet after a storm hits their camp. Against all odds, Watney must survive on the alien planet while attempting to contact NASA for help.

The cast including Matt Damon, Jessica Chastain, Kristen Wiig, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Kate Mara and Jeff Daniels look astounding and the visuals, like all of Ridley's films, are just gorgeous to look at. The landscape of Mars has never been captured so beautifully and realistically. The alien world is accented by Scott's vision of science and technology, which makes for a very unique visual style.

I cannot wait any longer for this film to come out!

Check out the trailer here:

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