Monday, June 8, 2015

James Cameron's Review of "Terminator Genysis"

The creator has spoken.

In an interview with Yahoo, mastermind director James Cameron sat down and discussed his thoughts about the new film in the franchise, "Terminator Genysis". After seeing the film for the first time, he said, "I start to see things I recognize. It’s being very respectful of first two films. Then all of the sudden, it just swerves. And now I’m going on a journey. I feel like the franchise has been reinvigorated, like this is a renaissance." He continues saying that, "If you look at why the films became classics, they had characters that you liked. The new film, which, in my mind, I think of as the third film, we see Arnold take the character even farther."

The fact that he considers this new film canon to the Terminator storyline and chooses to ignore "Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines" and "Terminator Salvation" is rather interesting. Could "Terminator Genysis" be good? Are Cameron's comments trustworthy?

I do believe Cameron's comments are indeed trustworthy. He has never shied away from criticizing the other installments in the Terminator franchise and this is the first time he has ever said anything positive about the post-"T2: Judgement Day" films so far.

Before, I thought "Terminator Genysis" would blow but after hearing Cameron's comments, I now think this may blow our minds that it wasn't garbage. Can't wait!

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