Monday, June 15, 2015

"Batman Begins" 10th Anniversary

10 years ago on this day, one of the best comic book movies in cinema history was released nationwide.

After the Batman franchise was practically butchered by Joel Schumacher in 1997, relative newcomer Christopher Nolan breathed new life into the franchise with his film, "Batman Begins". This was a very important film for me as a young man because this was the first time I've ever seen a dark superhero film. We all know that "Batman Begins" blossomed into the great "The Dark Knight" that gave the superhero genre more of an artistic edge and grit, something that many film critics have never expected.

"Batman Begins" is one of those perfect superhero films that I can watch all day any day. From its characters, its story, its visual effects, its amazing score, its precise direction, "Batman Begins", even after 10 years, is still one of my favorite films.

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