Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Spider-Man Confirmed To Appear In "Captain America: Civil War"

Put the rumors to rest. We are getting confirmations people.

Head of Marvel Studios, Kevin Feige, has confirmed with the The Hollywood Reporter that the newly cast Tom Holland will immediately be heading on set of next year's "Captain America: Civil War", marking Spider-Man's first appearance in the MCU.

For the fans, this comes to no surprise. We were definitely expecting to see Spidey swing into action before his solo film because of his importance to the "Civil War" plotline in the comics. However, I think we can assume that Holland will have a cameo-like role in "Captain America: Civil War" and may only appear in a scene or two. However, it is interesting that Holland was screen-tested with Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans. So it looks like Marvel is preparing Holland for some heated banter between Iron Man and Captain America.

Congratulations on Holland for landing the role and I cannot wait to see him swinging across the city in the years to come!

What do you think of Spidey joining "Captain America: Civil War"?

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