Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Sofia Coppola Exits "The Little Mermaid"

I guess this idea will begin and end with the "Funny or Die" sketch.

Yesterday, it was confirmed, by Deadline, that director Sofia Coppola ("Lost in Translation" and "The Bling Ring") has dropped out of the production of Universal Pictures' live-action adaptation of "The Little Mermaid", siting creative differences as her reason of exiting the project.

Coppola, daughter of the renewed director Francis Ford Coppola, has been attached to the film since March, after director Joe Wright dropped out of the film's production to focus on his upcoming film "Pan".

Although I have no doubt in Sofia Coppola's talents as a director, I always found her choice to direct the film rather odd. That being said, Universal definitely lost a very skilled director and finding a replacement for her is going to be a challenge.

Who do you think should direct the new adaptation of "The Little Mermaid"?

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