Wednesday, June 3, 2015

BREAKING: James Wan To Direct "Aquaman" And Live-Action "Robotech"

James Wan is just having an amazing day.

Today it has been confirmed that director James Wan, director of "The Conjuring" and the current highest grossing film of 2015 "Furious 7", will be directing the upcoming Aquaman solo film for Warner Bros. as well as a live-action adaptation of the anime "Robotech" for Sony Pictures.

A press release Warner Bros. released earlier today said that "The Aquaman film will be a major tentpole picture for us and James’s span of work has proven him able to take on any manner of project, bringing his incredible creative talent and unique voice to the material." It's pleasing to see Warner Bros. placing so much faith in Wan's skills as a storyteller, giving me a lot of confidence as a comic book fan.

Last October, we discovered through the hacked emails that Sony Pictures has been planning to do a "Robotech" film since March of 2014 and that the description for the film was going to be: "when an alien spacecraft crashes in the South Pacific, the people of Earth develop giant robots from the alien technology in order to fend off a wave of alien invasions." The description at least stays faithful to the original content, which does give us fans some hope for the film.

Although I did enjoy "Furious 7", I wasn't a big fan of how Wan shot the action scenes in the film. It was plagued with way too much shaky cam and incoherent editing. Hopefully this upcoming Aquaman film will be different. He is a skilled director with a lot of untouched potential, I just hope he will improve on the way he shoots his action sequences.

What do you think of these decisions? Would James Wan be a good fit for "Aquaman" and "Robotech"?

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