Tuesday, June 30, 2015

REVIEW: "Terminator Genisys"

"I'll be back." The beloved "Terminator" franchise, birthed by the visionary James Cameron, was a groundbreaking achievement in cinema, which brought forth never-before-seen visual effects and an astounding story. The first film, "The Terminator", was a box office smash, ranking in $78.4 million on a modest $6.4 million budget. In 2008, the film was selected by the Library of Congress for preservation in the American National Film Registry for being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant". The long anticipated sequel, "Terminator 2: Judgement Day" was an even bigger hit, making $519.8 million on a $94–102 million budget, and was a pioneer in visual effects, which eventually won the Academy Award for Best Visual Effects along with Best Sound Editing, Best Sound Mixing, and Best Makeup. The 3rd and 4th films however were a huge step down from the previous two. With James Cameron no longer in the director's chair, "Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines" and "Terminator Salvation", while enjoyable at times, was not even close to being as good as the iconic first two films. And now, Paramount has decided to breathe new life into the franchise with "Terminator Genisys". Did the film bring the franchise back from the dead?

"Terminator Genisys" stars Arnold Schwarzenegger, Emilia Clarke, Jai Courtney, and Jason Clarke and is directed by Alan Taylor ("Game of Thrones", "Thor: The Dark World"). This film, like "X-Men: Days of Future Past", serves as a retcon to the series as Kyle Reese (Jai Courtney) is set back to the past to find Sarah Conner (Emilia Clarke), the mother of John Conner (Jason Clarke). But upon meeting her, he discovers that she has been preparing for his arrival for over a decade with the help of an aged, reprogrammed T-800 Model 101 (Arnold Schwarzenegger). Their mission is to stop the apocalyptic event, Judgement Day, from happening by destroying a system known as Genisys. I will say, right off the bat, you have seen any of the promotional trailers for this film, you have seen the entire film, but just in case you haven't, my synopsis won't spoil any of the twists and turns, unlike the trailer. Ladies and gentlemen, this is not a good movie. "Terminator Genisys" is a loud, witless, and poorly executed film that might as well be the worst film in the series. This is not just a bad film, but a lazy one as well. There was not a shred of imagination put into the script and action scenes, which is a shame because this was a franchise that was built upon pure imagination. When audiences saw the T-1000 in the early 90's, their jaws dropped. It was awe-inspiring. There was not even an ounce of spectacle, drama or suspense in the 126 minute runtime of this film.

I'm going to start with the one good thing about this film: Arnold Schwarzenegger. Seeing him back as the T-800 was just great. When production for this film first began, I was worried about Schwarzenegger's age and how that would affect the film, but thankfully his age did not interrupt the film at all. Schwarzenegger has grown into the role very well and slips back into his characters effortlessly. His monotone deliver and dead-pan humor continues to entertain, making him the saving grace of this godforsaken picture. If he was given better direction and more interesting things to do, I'm sure by enjoyment of this film would have elevated much higher, but unfortunately Schwarzenegger was dealing with a bland script that written without a shred of creativity and vision.

The other (sort of) saving grace was Emilia Clarke as Sarah Conner. It's a daunting task, stepping into Linda Hamilton's shoes but I think Clarke gave it her all and tried her very best to honor Hamilton's performance while also making it her own. However, Clarke was not given anything interesting to say or do in the film. There were small moments where I thought the film was going to give her something important to do, however it boils down to nothing too great. With all that being said, Clarke tried to make a dry, monotonous script sound natural, which never translated too well in the film. The one negative thing I could say about Clarke's performance was I never found her as tough as the original Sarah Conner. I understand she is younger than the Sarah Conner we saw in "Terminator 2: Judgement Day", but I would've appreciated a little more strength and backbone in her. Overall, besides Schwarzenegger, Clarke as Sarah Conner was not only watchable/bare-able but a development character. Her only problem was that she wasn't given the right direction and the right screenplay, which made her performance suffer.

Okay, where do I even start with Jai Courtney? I will preface by saying that I have nothing against the man. I'm sure he's a nice guy in real life but... Jai Courtney is the white bread of acting. Serviceable but nothing great, not even that good. This was a just a complete miscast. Michael Biehn's portrayal of Kyle Reese in "The Terminator", like Indiana Jones, was a vulnerable hero that was supposed to be the every man with some moderate skill with a weapon. This Kyle Reese was a hulking soldier that was physically imposing and unreliable. Courtney's performance was also as interesting as watching paint dry. Nothing that came out of his mouth sounded remotely convincing in any way. I really don't want to bash on the guy but he's just so bland in this movie and it really does hurt the film a lot. Jai, I'm sure you're a stand-up guy, but this performance was definitely not a good one.

If any of you reading this have seen any of the trailers for "Terminator Genisys", you know exactly what to expect from Jason Clarke's character, John Conner. As the leader of the Resistance, Clarke actually does a pretty fine job. There was nothing particularly wrong or outstanding with his performance. It was just as expected. Now, I don't want to reveal too much about what happens to John Conner since some of you reading this now have not seen the trailers but all I can say is the enjoyment of the twist in the film was minimized to an extreme level since we all saw it in the trailer and even in the poster seen above. It's ridiculous. I might've enjoyed this film a little more if this plot twist was not revealed to me months before I even saw it. This has nothing to do with Clarke's performance in the film as he was just fine, but the marketing team on this film really messed up by showing this crucial point in the film in all the promotional items for the film.

In 1991, James Cameron shocked the world with the CGI work that went into bringing the terrifying T-1000 to life. It was the first time audiences have ever seen a partially computer animated character along with state-of-the-art prosthetics and animatronics. 24 years later, "Terminator Genisys" leaves us with unconvincing CGI and practical effects that look worse than anything we have seen in "Terminator 2: Judgement Day". How?! There was not one moment in the entire film when I believed these CGI characters were physically there. Every visual effect shot in the film is subpar to most big budget blockbusters we see today. In the past few years, we've seen the glorious world of Pandora in "Avatar", the extremely cool Iron Man suit in the Marvel films, photo-realistic apes in the new "Planet of the Apes" movies... This was insulting, especially since this was a "Terminator" film. James Cameron pioneered digital and practical special effects with his first two films and for this to be the 5th film in the franchise with [probably] the worst visual effects in the series is insulting. The lackluster CGI is also accompanied with uninventive cinematography, an uninspired soundtrack, and choppy editing, making the whole visual experience extremely lukewarm.

"The Terminator" and "Terminator 2: Judgement Day" are two films that I consider masterpieces, and while the subsequent films (Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines" and "Terminator Salvation") were subpar, I was at least able to enjoy them on a cheap entertainment level. This however is not entertaining in the slightest. The only time the film was every inventive or fun was when they recreated scenes from the first "Terminator" film with a CGI young Arnold Schwarzenegger playing the original T-800 that was sent to kill Sarah Conner in the 80's. However, those scenes fun to watch simply because it was shot-by-shot what James Cameron did all those years ago. This had nothing to do with the filmmakers' talent in creating new things, this was just recreating what a great director did over 30 years ago. What can I say? This was truly a mess. I believe the biggest crime "Terminator Genisys" made was making the film not memorable. Every single film in the series had at least one thing worth mentioning but this had absolutely nothing. With a dull script, some bland acting, unconvincing CGI effects, a droning score, misguided editing and mediocre direction, I can honestly say that this is my least favorite "Terminator" film in the series.  I'm giving "Terminator Genisys" an extremely generous 4 out of 10.

See it in IMAX 3D, 3D and 2D.

"Creed" Trailer Drops Online

Rocky is back... Sorta.

For some time now, we've been getting small glimpses at the new film, "Creed", which follows the son of Apollo Creed's song, Adonis Johnson Creed. Now, Warner Bros. Pictures has dropped the first trailer for the film and it looks pretty darn great. Seeing Sylvester Stallone back in the iconic role and mentoring Michael B. Jordan was just fantastic. We get a grasp of what the film is about and it looks like this is going to be a good one!

Monday, June 29, 2015

"Guardians of the Galaxy 2" Title Revealed

Ready your awesome mixtape because the Guardians are a-coming.

After months of speculation, director James Gunn finally revealed on his official Facebook page that the title of the "Guardians of the Galaxy" sequel (that's set for a May 5th, 2017 release date) will be titled "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2".

What do you guys think of the official title of the "Guardians of the Galaxy" sequel?

Sunday, June 28, 2015

REVIEW: "Humans" - Ep. 1

A robot take-over? Again? I would usually groan at this idea being on our television screens again for the thousandth time, but thankfully I'm not. For the longest time, AMC has been one of my favorite channels on television. With "Breaking Bad" and "The Walking Dead", two of my most favorite shows, along with the extremely successful "Mad Man" (which I unfortunately have not seen yet), AMC has been putting out quality TV for a very long time, so once I saw the first glimpses at their latest show, "Humans", I thought to myself, "This could either be really great or crash and burn after the first season." The night of the premiere came, so I sat down in front of my TV and watched the first episode of "Humans". And how was it?

"Humans" (or "HUM∀NS") is written by Sam Vincent and Jonathan Brackley, based off the award-winning Swedish show "Real Humans", and stars Gemma Chan, Colin Morgan, Katherine Parkinson, Tom Goodman-Hill and William Hurt. The show is set in suburban London and takes place in a parallel present where humanoid robots, called "Synths", have replaced mankind to do mundane tasks (i.e. housekeeping, garbage disposal, handing out newspapers). In this world, the Hawkins family purchases a Synth that they name Anita, played by Gemma Chan, where she becomes a housekeeper as tensions begin to rise between her and Mrs. Hawkins, played by Katherine Parkinson. Meanwhile, a mysterious fugitive, played by Colin Morgan, is on the run from an unknown force and is trying to track down Anita, who he knows as Mia. Describing the plot of "Humans" would make the show seem like a carbon copy of any other science fiction TV drama that we have seen in the past 20 years, but, although the concepts and story seen in "Humans" are not entirely new, the way it portrayed said concepts were done excellently. Robots, space travel, alien invasions and the post apocalypse have been done time and time again with many failing to deliver on the promises of the show's own premise. However, "Humans" is definitely not one of those shows.

One of the things that stands out about "Humans" is its cast. Aside from William Hurt, most of these actors are unknown to American audiences, which added an air of mystery and unpredictability to their performances. Gemma Chan as the seductively gorgeous Anita was definitely a stand out performance in this episode. Aside from being incredibly beautiful, Chan's performance as the Synth was both charming and incredibly haunting, making the line between human and robot extremely blurred, leading to a few awkward conversations and uncomfortable scenes. Although the show is a essentially drama, it is not devoid of humor, thanks to a particularly funny scene involving Anita continuously repeating the same robotic laugh over and over again until Mrs. Hawkins asks her to stop during an already awkward family breakfast. As [arguably] the lead character, Chan is mesmerizing as Anita and I wish for her continuing success during and after "Humans".

Another stand out performance was from Academy Award winner William Hurt as the aging scientist, Dr. George Millican, who has an unbreakable bond with an outdated Synth named Odi, played by Will Tudor. The scenes involving Millican and Odi are both heartbreaking and heartwarming, which are then elevated by Hurt and Tudor's brilliant performances. Unfortunately, I don't want to talk too much about Hurt's character because the less you know about his character and story arc in this episode, the better. Overall, Hurt is an extremely valuable member of the "Humans" cast and I look forward to seeing him in more episodes.

The rest of the cast also played their respective roles very well. The entirely Hawkins family (Joe, Laura, Mattie, Toby and Sophia Hawkins) were all played by talented actors who portrayed a very typical and also very believable family. The inner relationships between the family members are shown subtly, making future interactions with each character more understandable and relatable. Each of the Hawkins have a different reaction to having Anita around in the house, which made the whole scenario more akin to real life. It would be unrealistic to have the entire family blatantly hate her instantly. The interactions between Anita and the Hawkins family were done naturally with clever writing and storytelling.

There is also a subplot in the episode involving a fugitive, Leo, played by Colin Morgan, which added an extra sense of mystery to the over-arcing plot of "Humans". I don't want to delve too deep into who or what he is up to because, like the William Hurt storyline, it is crucial to various plot points in the pilot, which I don't want to give away. However, without spoiling the subplot, Leo's mission and travel throughout the pilot episode gave the story more action and more life, which helped balance out the more atmospheric pacing the show has. Watch the episode to see what I mean.

Like any AMC show (although this is originally a British Channel 4 show), the cinematography in "Humans", done by Stuart Bentley and David Rom, is simply gorgeous to look at. The aesthetic of the show is futuristic and stylish, but not to the point where we can't believe this world could happen. The idea of "Humans" is show us the consequences of certain ideas/problems we currently have about artificial intelligence so the show's design and visual style must look technologically advanced but also feel real. There is a sense of tangibleness to it all, which makes "Humans" unique in recent science fiction efforts (a good example of a new realistic take on A.I. would be this year's "Ex Machina"). Although we've seen similar looking environments in films like "A.I. Artificial Intelligence" and "Minority Report", it was nice to see those environments become a little more realistic and on the smaller screen.

What can I say? This was a great first episode. In our golden age of technological advances, "Humans" is able to question if we are able to face the consequences of artificial intelligence. This is a question that we have been asked time and time again, but "Humans" asks these questions without giving long speeches about mankind and humanity, but by dealing with small intimate moments in an ordinary household in suburban London. These intimate moments translate to very interesting questions. What happens when an humanoid robot takes over your position as a mother? What happens when your own husband has more sexual attraction to your humanoid robot housekeeper than yourself? All of these ethically ambiguous questions makes "Humans" unique. It sucks you into this amazing world and never lets you go.

"Humans" is well acted (special shout outs to Gemma Chan and William Hurt), beautifully shot, cleverly written, and has a pleasing futuristic score. A strong pilot episode and, if this show continues at this pace, AMC has yet another winning series on their hands.

You bet I'll be back next Sunday to see the next episode!

Go watch "Humans" on AMC on Sundays at 9PM!

"The Wasp" Coming To MCU

Prepare to be stung.

Us fans would know that the Wasp was set to appear in the first "Avengers" film, however when Marvel and Edgar Wright decided to part ways, it took us until now to finally see her on screen in the upcoming "Ant-Man" film. However, it seems that Marvel is wasting no time with her potential. Yesterday, Kevin Feige has confirmed, at an "Ant-Man" press event, that they have plans on adding the Wasp into future MCU project, saying, "We have plans for her in the future, and we see that not-so-subtly in this film."

When do you think we'll see the Wasp suited up and ready for action?

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Kevin Feige Comments On "Ant-Man" Spider-Man Reference

The first audiences to see "Ant-Man" at a special press screening came out buzzing. Many have said that the film is great and even weirder than "Guardians of the Galaxy". But many of those that tweeted about the film noticed one particular thing in the film, which many thought was our first reference to the web-slinger himself, Spider-Man, in the MCU. Sadly, it may not have been entirely about Spider-Man.

In a recent interview, Kevin Feige told Zap2It that the line in the film was actually unintentional. "That line was old, actually," he said. "All that was meant to be very generic."

Sadly, that line was not entirely referencing Spider-Man in the MCU but we as the audience could still be happy thinking it was meant to be about Spidey.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Chris Pine And Zachary Quinto Returning For "Star Trek 4"

Before Captain Kirk and Commander Spock return on the big screens, they are already set to return on another epic adventure on board the U.S.S. Enterprise.

As "Star Trek 3" (rumored to be titled "Star Trek Beyond") enters production, it has been confirmed, by The Hollywood Reporter, that Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto have already signed on to do the 4th film in the new rebooted "Star Trek" film series. As of right now, the other key actors (such as Zoe Saldana, Karl Urban, Simon Pegg, Anton Yelchin and John Cho) have not signed onto the project yet.

Will J.J. Abrams return to direct the 4th film?

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Stallone Reveals New "Creed" Image

The legacy continues.

Today, Sylvester Stallone shared our first look at the "Rocky" spin-off film, "Creed", starring Michael B. Jordan as Apollo Creed's son Adonis Johnson. For those who don't know and don't remember, Apollo Creed was Carl Weathers' character in the "Rocky" franchise and was Rocky Balboa's rival (in "Rocky" and "Rocky II").

In the film "Creed", Apollo's son, Adonis Johnson, has no idea who is father is and goes to Philadelphia to find Rocky so that he could train him. The film is due for a November 25th, 2015 release date.

Are you excited for "Creed?"

Spider-Man Confirmed To Appear In "Captain America: Civil War"

Put the rumors to rest. We are getting confirmations people.

Head of Marvel Studios, Kevin Feige, has confirmed with the The Hollywood Reporter that the newly cast Tom Holland will immediately be heading on set of next year's "Captain America: Civil War", marking Spider-Man's first appearance in the MCU.

For the fans, this comes to no surprise. We were definitely expecting to see Spidey swing into action before his solo film because of his importance to the "Civil War" plotline in the comics. However, I think we can assume that Holland will have a cameo-like role in "Captain America: Civil War" and may only appear in a scene or two. However, it is interesting that Holland was screen-tested with Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans. So it looks like Marvel is preparing Holland for some heated banter between Iron Man and Captain America.

Congratulations on Holland for landing the role and I cannot wait to see him swinging across the city in the years to come!

What do you think of Spidey joining "Captain America: Civil War"?

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

"The Walking Dead" Season 6 Banner Revealed

Rick Grimes​ facing off with Morgan Jones​ at the Alexandria Safe-Zone​.

Here is our first glimpse at season 6 of "The Walking Dead​" and it looks they aren't wasting any time on the potential Rick and his group (Daryl, Carol, Glenn, Maggie, Carl, Michonne, Abraham, Sasha, Eugene, Rosita, Tara) versus Morgan and the people of Alexandria (Jessie, Gabriel, Aaron, Deanna and her son) story they alluded to in the finale.

Whether or not that's the actual story of season 6 is unknown but I can't wait for the new season!

Tom Holland Is Marvel's New Spider-Man

The web-slinger is back!

After weeks of contemplating who will be cast as Spidey in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, we now finally have our new Spider-Man. Marvel and Sony Pictures have decided to cast 19-year-old Tom Holland ("The Impossible", "How I Live Now") to play Peter Parker/Spider-Man in the MCU. He is rumored to appear in next year's "Captain America: Civil War", but is confirmed to play Parker in the Jon Watts directed "Spider-Man" solo film coming in 2017.

Kevin Feige commented as Jon Watts as the director of "Spider-Man" saying, “As with James Gunn, Joss Whedon, and the Russo brothers, we love finding new and exciting voices to bring these characters to life.  We spent a lot of time with Jon and find his take and work inspiring.”

Although Asa Butterfield​ ("Ender's Game") was always my preferred choice, Holland seems to be a good fit for the role. Seeing him in both "The Impossible" and "How I Live Now", I can say that he has the chops to pull of Peter Parker and Spider-Man. So I'm excited to see Spidey swinging with the Avengers​ soon!

What do you think of our new Spider-Man?

Composer James Horner Dies At 61

A tragic day.

Composer James Horner, who worked on "Titanic", "Aliens", and many more, was killed in a plane crash on Monday at the age of 61. Officials said that Horner was piloting a small aircraft when it crashed into a remote area about 60 miles north of Santa Barbara. His amazing work in "Titanic" won him two Academy Awards and two Golden Globe Awards.

He was a man who composed great music and it's sad to see another one of my favorites go, especially so young.

May you rest in peace, Mr. Horner.

Monday, June 22, 2015

June 22nd, 2015: The In-Anime Date Of "Neon Genesis Evangelion"

The events of 'Evangelion​" begins today.

Today is June 22nd, 2015, which is actually a very important day for the iconic 1995 anime series, "Neon Genesis Evangelion​", because it is the in-anime date of the very first episode, "Angel Attack". This is the day that the protagonist Shinji Ikari​ meets the Third Angel, Sachiel​, and his estranged father, Gendo Ikari​, tells him to get in the f***ing robot.

From this day forward, Shinji Ikari would become the pilot for Eva Unit-01 and save humanity for the extraterrestrial beings known as Angels. This is my all-time favorite TV show of all-time due to its balance of action, character development, precise direction, impeccable writing, philosophical and religious symbolisms, and thought provoking questions. If you haven't seen this show, watch all 26 episodes as soon as you can (try to avoid the English dub for the best experience).

All we have to do is wait for the Third Impact.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

"Inside Out" Breaks Box Office Records But Loses To "Jurassic World"

Disney/Pixar is breaking records again

Although "Inside Out" is the first Disney Pixar to not reach #1 at the domestic box office (with "Jurassic World" still dominating), the film had the highest grossing opening weekend for a non-sequel, non-remake film in cinema history, hauling it $91.1 million.

I'm so happy that this master class film is doing higher than expectations.

A truly great film and you all need to see it!

Saturday, June 20, 2015

"Jaws" 40th Anniversary

The film that made everyone afraid to go back to the beach and made Steven Spielberg a house hold name.

Today, we celebrate the 40th anniversary of the horror classic "Jaws". This was a landmark in cinema history and was one of the first summer blockbusters to every grace the silver screens. What Spielberg has done with this film was create a real sense of terror and suspense, which still holds up brilliantly today. While seeing a giant great white shark jumping onto a boat is rather unthinkable in today's more scientifically accurate world, the film is so good at making you believe in the horror that you end up forgiving the film for it's inaccuracies.

A great film that will be remembered forever. Go see it again!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

REVIEW: "Inside Out"

After the masterpiece that is "Toy Story 3", Pixar Studios has released "Cars 2", "Brave" and "Monsters University". These films, although fine on their own (except for "Cars 2"), did not live up to the Pixar standard. The studio has set such a high bar that when they release a good-but-not-great film, we always seem to be extremely disappointed, myself included. While both "Brave" and "Monsters University" had some interesting ideas and A-level moments, it wasn't able to live up to its own potential (and don't even get me started on "Cars 2"). So naturally, I was excited but also very cautious about Pixar's next project that tackled the inner workings of the mind. After hearing that the film garnered extremely positive reviews from films critics at the Cannes Film Festival, I suddenly began to realize what the film was going to be. Was I ready for Pixar's next film? No. No, I was not.

"Inside Out" stars Amy Poehler, Phyllis Smith, Bill Hader, Lewis Black and Mindy Kaling and is directed by Pete Docter ("Monsters Inc." and "Up"). The film is set in the mind of Riley Anderson (Kaitlyn Dias), a young girl who has moved from Minneapolis to San Fransisco, where five personified emotions — Joy, Sadness, Anger, Disgust, and Fear — control her various thoughts and actions based on certain circumstances. Off the bat, this is a very original story that is filled with great imagination and creativity. This world that Docter has created is something extraordinary. In a time when sequels, remakes and adaptations are all the rage, "Inside Out" shocks us with its heart, originality, and humor. It was a film that I was not emotionally prepared for. Its charm and innocence instantly grabs you and pulls you in this child-friendly universe until the film's end credits.

The main 5 emotions that we are introduced to are Joy, Sadness, Anger, Disgust, and Fear who are all played by very talented and very funny people (mostly SNL alumni), who all fit in their respective roles beautifully. Amy Poehler as the cutesy wide-eyed Joy is just perfect. Under a less visionary director, this character could have been an annoying one-note protagonist, but Docter proves to us once again that he is amazing at creating characters and that Poehler is great at bringing us both the laughs and the tears. Sadness, played by Phyllis Smith, stole the show with her hilarious dead pan performance. Every time she is on screen, I could not stop laughing. Lewis Black as Anger was another one of my favorites. The hot-headed, fire spewing emotion was over-the-top in all the right ways and delivered some great laughs. Mindy Kaling's sassy portrayal of Disgust was hilarious to watch. Like Sadness, Kaling's dead pan one-liners and quirks were just spot on. And finally, Fear, played by Bill Hader, was goofy and wacky enough to make the younger audience members very excited to see his manic behavior. Everyone involved in this film does an A+ job in their respective roles, which truly amplified the film to Disney/Pixar animated film masterpiece level and were enjoyed by both children and adults in the audience.

I have never felt such a resonating connection to an animated film since Disney/Pixar's own "Toy Story 3". There is something about Pixar's magic that truly captivates you and this film is no different. "Inside Out" is not only a very fun movie for children, it is also a deep look into the minds of different people, young and old. We as the audience can tell how much Docter and Pixar worked on the film's story to make the workings of the mind, not only extremely inventive, but easily accessible to people of all ages. Children will easily understand how one's mind functions and how one will come to certain conclusions based on certain emotions. Although, I cannot reveal the overall message of the film because I consider it to be a spoiler, it is one that I believe is extremely important. "Inside Out" shows us that life is not so simple. It is filled with complex emotions and confusing times, but Docter's vision for the film was to make this difficult idea very simple to understand, which inevitably succeeds in the end.

Another aspect about the film that I have to praise is its portrayal of a teenager growing up. Usually in family oriented films, teenagers are not depicted very accurately, however, in "Inside Out", the young girl, Riley Anderson (Kaitlyn Dias), is one of the most realistic teenagers I have ever seen in an animated film. The struggles that she has to go through is not only relatable, but real. As teenagers, we go through what she's going through in the film. We know the emotions that came from our youth and Docter was so meticulous in creating her character, I almost felt like she was a real person.

Simply an incredible film. It's hard to talk about this film in detail because the less you know about the film, the more it will surprise you. Not only is "Inside Out" one of the best Pixar films ever produced, it's one of the best animated films in the 21st century. Like in the film, "Inside Out" will make you laugh, cry, and feel so many things in such a short amount of time. Clearly the makers of the film set out to make a story that would be timeless and relevant for years to come. I can honestly say there was nothing bad in this film. A film that people of all ages will enjoy, but one that adults would probably find a stronger emotional connection to. "Inside Out" engulfs you with imagination, originality and heart, making it one of Pixar's best works in years. Going back to the golden days. I'm predicting right now that "Inside Out" will win the Oscar for Best Animated Feature because this film is a 10 out of 10 perfect.

Go see the 3D and 2D!

"Hit-Girl" Movie And "Kick-Ass 3" In The Work

It's time to kick-ass yet again... maybe.

In an interview with Yahoo! Movies, director Matthew Vaughn ("Kick-Ass" and "Kingsman: The Secret Service")  confirmed that he's "not happily done with the [Kick-Ass] franchise" and that he is planning a Hit-Girl prequel film and, possibly, a "Kick-Ass 3". "We’re working on an idea for a prequel of how Hit Girl and Big Daddy become Hit Girl and Big Daddy...If we make that, hopefully that will be the sorbet for the people that didn’t like ‘Kick-Ass 2’ and then we can go off and make ‘Kick-Ass 3’." The goal for the Hit-Girl prequel film will be to restore some faith to the "Kick-Ass" franchise since the 2nd film was not received well by critics. "I think we’ve got to do this prequel to regain the love that we had with ‘Kick-Ass’."

What do you think? Would you like to see a Hit-Girl prequel and "Kick-Ass 3?"

"Kung Fu Panda 3" Trailer Released

The dragon warrior is returning!

A brand new trailer for "Kung Fu Panda 3" has just released online and Dreamworks has caught our attention with this never-judge-a-book-by-its-cover franchise yet again. Seems like the film is raising the bar from the last film and will provide us with more kick-ass action!

Check out the trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10r9ozshGVE

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

John Hurt Diagnosed With Pancreatic Cancer

The BBC reports that veteran actor John Hurt has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Hurt told the Press Association, “I have always been open about the way in which I conduct my life and in that spirit I would like to make a statement. I have recently been diagnosed with early stage pancreatic cancer.” He adds that he is "undergoing treatment and am more than optimistic about a satisfactory outcome, as indeed is the medical team.”

Hurt has been a well respected actor for decades and is someone that I love seeing on screen. I am glad that he is being very optimistic about his condition and I hope he will continue to do many more project in the upcoming years.

Marvel's Kevin Feige's Tribute To "Jurassic World"

An appropriate post.

Kevin Feige just posted this amazing fan art on his Twitter, to congratulate "Jurassic World" for dethroning "Avengers: Age of Ultron" at the box office this weekend. This is so sweet.

Great sportsmanship, Feige.

New "Halloween" Movie Entering Production In July

Michael Myers is coming.

Years after the Rob Zombie "Halloween" reboots that were both [for the most part] negatively received by both critics and audiences, it now seems that Hollywood is trying again with the "Halloween" franchise as the latest film in the series, "Halloween Returns", will begin production in July with Marcus Dunstan helming the project. You may not know who Dunstan is but you all know his works. He was the screenwriter for "Saw IV" - "Saw 3D", "The Collector, and "Piranha 3DD".

Seeing that his work has garnered mostly negative to mixed reviews from critics, I can honestly say I am not excited in seeing another "Halloween" film. The franchise lived and died with the first film by John Carpenter and I believe it should stay that way, unless another director comes in and breathes new life into the franchise instead of retelling the same story again.

What do you think of the latest "Halloween" movie?

Monday, June 15, 2015

"Batman Begins" 10th Anniversary

10 years ago on this day, one of the best comic book movies in cinema history was released nationwide.

After the Batman franchise was practically butchered by Joel Schumacher in 1997, relative newcomer Christopher Nolan breathed new life into the franchise with his film, "Batman Begins". This was a very important film for me as a young man because this was the first time I've ever seen a dark superhero film. We all know that "Batman Begins" blossomed into the great "The Dark Knight" that gave the superhero genre more of an artistic edge and grit, something that many film critics have never expected.

"Batman Begins" is one of those perfect superhero films that I can watch all day any day. From its characters, its story, its visual effects, its amazing score, its precise direction, "Batman Begins", even after 10 years, is still one of my favorite films.

Rupert Wyatt To Direct "Gambit" Movie

Our favorite Cajun mutant has its director.

Last year, 20th Century Fox confirmed that they were in development of a Gambit solo film starring Channing Tatum in the titular role with a October 7, 2016 release date. Today, Entertainment Weekly has confirmed that "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" director Rupert Wyatt has signed on to direct the film, beating other potential frontrunners J.C. Chandor and Gareth Evans.

As a fan of "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" (I did also enjoy "The Gambler"), I believe Fox got a great talent to direct the Gambit solo film. This is a project I've been waiting to see for a long time but also very cautious about, but with Wyatt's involvement in the film, I can safely say that "Gambit" is in good hands.

What do you think of Wyatt as director of "Gambit"?

Sunday, June 14, 2015

"Jurassic World" Becomes First Movie To Gross $500 Million In A Single Weekend

Chris Pratt is having another fantastic year. Maybe more so than last year.

The "Jurassic Park" franchise is stomping back into cinemas and breaking records yet again, 22 years after the first film did. "Jurassic World" is now the first movie in history to gross over $500 million internationally in a single weekend. The film holds the record for the 2nd highest opening weekend with $204.6 million, right behind "The Avengers" that grossed $207.4 million back in 2012. In addition to taking in $204.6 million in the states, "Jurassic World" took in approximately $307.2 million internationally.

I'm so happy to hear this news and I'm so happy to see everyone enthusiastically going to see the film and loving it. The dinosaurs are back to stomp the box office!

Bring on the sequels! More Chris Pratt and raptors!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

"Jurassic Park" 22nd Anniversary

The park is open after 22 years.

Putting aside our sadness over the loss of a film icon, let's celebrate another icon of cinema history: "Jurassic Park​". Today marks the 22nd anniversary of the first film in the franchise that was released on this day in 1993. Strangely enough, I will be seeing "Jurassic World​", the latest film in the series, tonight for the 2nd time (first seeing the film at a prescreening last Tuesday). Steven Spielberg​'s "Jurassic Park" continues to be one of the most important and influential films of my life. What can I say that hasn't been said? It's a master class adventure film so I will be celebrating the 22nd anniversary of "Jurassic Park" by attending the first IMAX​ showing of "Jurassic World" at AMC Theatres​ tonight.

The gates are open and I'm ready to see dinosaurs once again.

BREAKING: Chiwetel Ejiofor Cast In "Doctor Strange"

Marvel just keep on getting more and more talent for the MCU.

It has been reported that Chiwetel Ejiofor, Oscar nominated for "12 Years A Slave", has been cast in the upcoming "Doctor Strange" film as Steven Strange's adversary, Baron Mordo. However, in the same reports, it has been said that Mordo might not be the main villain of the film and may be a blend of various characters that have encountered Doctor Strange.

What do you think of this cast news?

Sir Christopher Lee Dies At 93

Another icon gone.

It's truly sad to say that the iconic Christopher Lee died on Sunday in London at the age of 93. He's been the figure of our nightmares, a presence that could not be matched, even to this day. He has been a crucial part of many important movie franchise but is most famous for playing Dracula in 10 different films. He was someone that I've always wanted to meet and it pains me to see such an important figure in cinema go. Mr. Lee, you gave us so much in your lifetime and I want to thank you for all that you've done for us. You gave us hours upon hours of entertainment and your legacy will live on in your fantastic movies.

You will be matched by no one.

May you rest in peace.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

RUMOR: Chris Hemsworth Cast In "Ghostbusters" Reboot

I guess Thor now has a desk job.

Rumor has it that Chris Hemsworth has been cast in the upcoming "Ghostbuster" reboot as the team's receptionist. In the original, it was Annie Potts who played the snarky Janine Melnitz, but since this new reboot has an all-female lead cast, it's fitting that they would gender swap the team's receptionist.

Paul Feig of "Bridesmaids" and "Spy" will direct the film with Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Leslie Jones and Kate McKinnon set to star.

What do you think of this new rumor?

"Kung Fu Panda 3" Images Released

The dragon warrior returns.

In 2011, the surprisingly good "Kung Fu Panda 2" was sadly beaten at the box office by both "The Hangover Part II" and "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. We were almost certain that a 3rd installment in the series would not happen until July 2012, when the chief creative officer at DreamWorks Animation, Bill Damaschke, confirmed a 3rd film.

"Kung Fu Panda 3" is scheduled for a January 29, 2016 release date and will feature the original cast back in their respective roles. And now, USA Today debuted the first official images of the 3rd film.

Without giving away too much of the previous film, Po has just discovered some very crucial facts about his backstory so these official images from "Kung Fu Panda 3" make completely sense in terms of storytelling. It seems they are trying to progress Po's story while also delivering some fun, light-hearted for the kids (i.e. the picture above).

It seems like Po (Jack Black) will finally be reunited with this father (Bryan Cranston) in this film, who is described by Jack Black as "a really funny, jovial dude who loves to play. He's the dream dad." Bryan Cranston adds that his character "has a voracious appetite".

This is our first look at Rebel Wilson's character, Mei Mei, who is "an overly eager panda, who has been promised in an arranged marriage to Po" and is extremely into string dancing. Jack Black offers us a different view on this potential love interesting, saying that, "Po's a little freaked out, since he's never been around a female of his own species, I don't think he has game in that realm yet."

What do you think of these new images and new characters?

New Extended "Spectre" TV Spot

More action!

Not too long ago, our first official look at the new James Bond film, "Spectre", was released on the web and we all loved it's grim, dark atmosphere. But we can all agree that the trailer, while great in setting up the story and the film's aesthetic, was lacking the kick-ass 007 action set pieces that made the franchise famous. But now, they have released a new extended TV spot that is, basically, a recut of the teaser trailer with additional action scenes placed towards the end. We get our first glimpse of Dave Bautista as the TV spot closes with 007 pinning Monica Bellucci against a wall and saying the iconic line, "Bond... James Bond." It's brilliant.

Check out the TV spot here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WJ8WxCA-fA

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

REVIEW: "Jurassic World"

The park is finally open. Ever since "Jurassic Park III" was released in 2001, rumors of a fourth film have been circulating the Internet for years and we've been waiting for a long time to see a continuation of this beloved franchise. And now, with the help of director Colin Trevorrow, we finally get to go back to Isla Nublar to see living, breathing dinosaurs again. The first film in the series is a beloved classic and has been one of Steven Spielberg's most endearing and adventurous films to date. It had groundbreaking special effects, nail-biting tension, amazing dinosaur sequences, and a theme song that comfortably buries itself in your head until the day you die. Spielberg returned to direct the sequel, "Jurassic World: The Lost World" and was met with mixed reviews from critics and audiences alike. In the new millennium, Joe Johnston came into the franchise with "Jurassic Park III" and, pretty much, destroyed all credibility the franchise had. So naturally, we were extremely nervous about this new installment in the series. How does "Jurassic World" hold up?

"Jurassic World" stars Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Vincent D'Onofrio and Ty Simpkins and is directed by Colin Trevorrow. The film takes place 22 years after the events of "Jurassic Park" and features a fully functional theme park featuring live dinosaurs on the same island seen in the first film, Isla Nublar. Because the corporations behind the park wanted to "up the wow factor", Claire Dearing (Bryce Dallas Howard) presents their sponsors with a new genetically modified dinosaur named the Indominus rex. The owner of the park (Irrfan Khan) then brings Velociraptor trainer Owen Grady (Chris Pratt) to inspect the I-rex's living quarters when the dinosaur is accidentally set loose in a park containing 20,000 people. I can say with full confidence that "Jurassic World" is the first true sequel to "Jurassic Park". This is, by far, the best sequel in the franchise and is worthy of being a continuation of the "Jurassic Park" story. Everything you want from a "Jurassic Park" film is here: a sense of awe and wonder, suspense and terror, likable characters, an infectious score, and jaw-dropping dinosaur action.

"Guardians of the Galaxy" star Chris Pratt continues to be an extremely charming and charismatic leading man, giving the audience a character that we can easily relate to. While Sam Neill was a great leading man for the first "Jurassic Park" films, Chris Pratt brings something different to the table with Owen Grady and is, for once, directly involved in the action. Unlike most other "Jurassic Park" leads, he is able to fight with or against the dinosaurs roaming in the park. While the other characters in the previous films did fight back at times, they were simply survivors and not heroes. We now finally have a hero in the "Jurassic Park" series and it was a very interesting change of pace as Pratt's portrayal of Grady mixes the best elements of action heroes into one collective body: charming and witty, intelligent, and, most of all, heroic.

But if there was one actor people will be talking about after seeing this film, it would probably be Bryce Dallas Howard. The energy she brings to Claire Dearing was just great, making what could have been a one-note character into a more fleshed out human being. What Trevorrow intended for these characters, especially for Howard's, was to deconstruct and change these archetypes that we see so often in other films of the same genre. Dearing's evolution [pun intended] and progression in the film was handled smoothly with clever writing and direction. Besides Dr. Ellie Sattler in the first "Jurassic Park" film, there were not many interesting female characters in the franchise and now I'm very happy to see Bryce Dallas Howard showing off what she could bring to the series. Her beauty is infectious charming and her strength as a character makes us cheer. Howard, you were great and I hope you get some more recognition from this film (and hopefully people will stop confusing you for Jessica Chastain).

If you think the trailers for "Jurassic World" spoiled all the best bits for you, trust me, it doesn't. There are so many more jaw-dropping, cheer worthy moments in the film that I just cannot spoil for you here. The action is relentless. Like the first "Jurassic Park" film, it keeps you on the edge of your seat the whole time and is shot with confidence and respect. In an age where quick cuts and shaky cam is popular, "Jurassic World" feels like an explosion, harkening back to what Spielberg did in the 90's. The dino-action is handled beautifully and the last third of this film is one glorious, giant action set piece. The new dinosaur, the Indominus rex, is simply a badass. The promotional footage spoils almost nothing about the creature's badassery. It's something that you truly have to experience in the theater. But not only is the action beautifully executed and thrilling to watch, it is also evenly paced. It never feels too long or too tiring. The action is spliced into the story without sacrificing characters and plot.

Now, my one and only complaint I have with "Jurassic World" would definitely be the reliance on CGI effects seen in the film. The tradition of merging animatronics and state-of-the-art computer generated dinosaurs has been kept throughout the "Jurassic Park" series and "Jurassic World" is no different, however there definitely isn't enough practical effects present in the film. This doesn't hurt the film per say, but aesthetically it would've been more realistic and more convincing if they used mechanical puppets for the close-ups of the dinosaurs. There is one scene where an animatronic puppet is used to great effect and I wished more of the film was like that. But, with that in mind, the CG on these dinosaurs is pretty great. It's not as good as "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes", but it is definitely convincing enough. This is a mostly personal preference, but this nitpick is in no way distracting or jarring. I do understand why the creators opted to use CGI, but I would've liked to see more puppeteering in the film.

There are also moments in the screenplay that were not particularly new or inventive, which made the film, at moments, predictable. However, that in no way, for me, detracted from the overall experience of the film. There were a few subplots in the film that seemed slightly rushed or unneeded, but I never found them distracting.  Although they handling of these short scenes could have been done better, I thought these moments were all needed for the eventual emotional payoff in the finale. Even in the original "Jurassic Park", there are many subplots and contexts that go unused or overlooked. It was a problem in the original and it's a problem here but with that being said, I consider the original a masterpiece so I cannot harp on this flaw too much.

Overall, "Jurassic World" is an extremely entertaining, suspenseful, dinosaur filled adventure ride that needs to be experienced in the theater. It is a visually beautiful looking film and recaptures the magic that Spielberg brought to use over 20 years ago. "Jurassic Park" is one of the most important films of my life and seeing this new film put tears to my eyes. This film was like a collection of my dreams put together into one amazing entity. Ever since I was a child, I've always loved dinosaurs and I still do. So these films fill me with so much joy and inspiration. It's just astounding. This is definitely a biased review but I gotta give it a 9 out of 10. I was definitely the only person in the theater crying but I couldn't help it. It was beautiful.

Go see the film in IMAX 3D, 3D and 2D everywhere on June 12th!