Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Martin Freeman Joins the Cast of "Captain America: Civil War"

Seems like Marvel has inducted the dynamic duo of "Sherlock" into the MCU.

Yesterday, Marvel has announced that Martin Freeman, best known for playing John Watson in BBC's "Sherlock" and Bilbo Baggins in "The Hobbit Trilogy", has joined the cast of next year's "Captain America: Civil War". Producer Kevin Feige stated that he was very impressed by Freeman's acting range and was extremely honored to have him be a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

In December of 2014, Marvel announced that Benedict Cumberbatch, who plays Sherlock Holmes in BBC's "Sherlock" [also starring Freeman], was cast as Doctor Strange for his own solo movie set for November 2016. Now that both Cumberbatch and Freeman have been cast in the MCU, it will be interesting for us fans to see both Sherlock Holmes and John Watson in these new Marvel movies. Very excited to see them both in their respective films.

Although we know that Freeman will be in "Captain America: Civil War", we still don't know what character he will be playing in the film. Will he be an original character or one from the comics?

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