Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Happy Birthday Christopher Lee

If I can accomplish even a fraction of what Christopher Lee​ has accomplished in his lifetime, I'd die a happy man because Lee truly is amazing.

Not only has he played Count Dracula​ 10 times and was the White wizard, Saruman​, he is also an accomplished author and has sung for various operas and choirs as well as a symphonic metal in 2010. He is also one of the highest grossing actors to ever live, grossing $8,321,486,066 worldwide. Cleary he is a man of many talents and is an iconic figure in film history, so I want to wish him a happy 93rd birthday.

I have seen this man in movies since I was a little kid and he will always be an important figure in my life as a cinephile. You continue to leave an important legacy in the world and I want to celebrate your amazing life today.

Happy birthday, Christopher Lee!

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