Saturday, May 9, 2015

James McAvoy Going Bald For "X-Men: Apocalypse"

We all liked James McAvoy as Professor X in "X-Men: First Class", then, 3 year later, we were blown away by his incredible performance in "X-Men: Days of Future Past". But fans have been wanting to see that classic Professor X look on McAvoy ever since 2011. Now, it looks like it's finally happening.

Yesterday, Bryan Singer, director of "X-Men", "X2: X-Men United" and "X-Men: Days of Future Past", took to Instagram and posted this picture:

Never thought I'd be this excited seeing an actor shave his head for a role.

This is so fantastic! We finally get to see young Professor X transition into the iconic version of himself played by great Patrick Stewart in the X-Men films. It will be interesting to see Xavier, who started out as a young, cocky, somewhat arrogant intellectual become that spiritual, gentle mentor that we have seen in the previous films.

What do you think of this news? Liking McAvoy's bad head?

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