Monday, May 25, 2015

Happy Birthday Ian McKellen

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."

A quote that has resonated with me for years and will continue to stay with me for many years to come. And thanks to this wonderful man, I'll always hear the quote in his voice. So I want to wish Sir Ian McKellen a happy 76th birthday!

I had the honor of meeting this gentlemen last year at the Cort Theatre where he was played Estragon in the Samuel Beckett play, "Waiting for Godot", alongside his good friend Patrick Stewart. It was Super Bowl Sunday and the entire cast was kind enough to serve the entire audience hot chocolate. Here I am sharing a laugh with Sir Ian Mckellen after handing me the hot beverage. This little snapshot is a memory I hold dearly to my heart.

Although you have played many great characters throughout your career, Sir McKellen, you will always be Gandalf in my eyes. You've played him for 6 great films and in all 6 films, Gandalf has always filled my life with great lines and important life lessons. You have become one of cinema's most iconic figures and I hope to see you again soon and perhaps work with you in the future.

Thank you, Sir McKellen, for bringing me such joy and for smiling with me while serving me hot chocolate. It was a true honor, sir. Wishing you a happy, happy birthday!

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