Thursday, May 7, 2015

"Avengers: Infinity War" To Be Shot Entirely In IMAX

Big news for the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

It has just been announced that "Avengers: Infinity War", directed by the Russo brothers, will be the first films to be shot entirely in the IMAX format with all-new IMAX/ARRI cameras.

The Russo brothers, now currently in production of "Captain America: Civil War", said the following: "The intent with the 'Infinity War' films is to bring ten years of accumulative storytelling to an incredible climax. We felt that the best way to exploit the scale and scope required to close out the final chapter of these three phases, was to be the first films shot entirely on the IMAX/ARRI Digital camera."

This is very exciting news. Picturing the epic scale of "Infinity War" enhanced by new and innovative IMAX technology is just mind-blowing. We've seen massive films such as "The Dark Knight Trilogy", "Star Trek Into Darkness" and "Interstellar" utilize the IMAX cameras to amazing feats, so I am fully confident that "Avengers: Infinity War" will be something very special.

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