Sunday, May 1, 2016

"Citizen Kane" 75th Anniversary


75 years ago on this very day, one of the most profound, important and influential films of all-time debuted in cinemas. "Citizen Kane", which was written, directed, produced and starring Orson Welles is widely considered by many critics, filmmakers and fans to be one of the greatest film of all time and was Welles's first feature film. Famed directors like Steven Spielberg, Stanley Kubrick, Ridley Scott, Martin Scorsese, Francis Ford Coppola, Roger Corman and Woody Allen have all cited "Citizen Kane" as one of the biggest influences of their own films. With an amazing narrative, modern cinematography [for the time], a mesmerizing score and important themes, "Citizen Kane" will forever be one of the great works of cinema in human history.

Happy 75th anniversary, "Citizen Kane".

"There's only one person who's going to decide what I'm going to do and that's me."

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