Sunday, March 6, 2016

"Watchmen" 7th Anniversary

Who watches the Watchmen?

7 years ago on this day, Zack Snyder's adapted vision of Alan Moore's award winning graphic novel "Watchmen" was released nationwide. Many who know me would know that "Watchmen" is one of my all-time favorite films and I consider it a modern masterpiece. It may not be perfect, its ambition, boldness, artistry and love of the original source material makes up for all the films imperfections, which are very minor in my opinion. It was a life changing film for me. It's striking visuals and intricate storytelling are just some of the many things that are great with this film.

I've learned a great amount of things from seeing the film and I thank Zack Snyder for bringing us one of the greatest stories every told to the silver screen.

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