Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Ben Affleck Has Already Written Batman Script

Looks the caped crusader isn't done being awesome.

For the past few months, there were rumors circulating online that writer/director Ben Affleck was working closely with Geoff Johns, DC's CCO, to write a Batman solo film. Well, according to Patrick Whitesell, co-CEO of William Morris Endeavor, it looks like those rumors were indeed true.

"He's contracted to do at least Justice League One and Two, so at least three times wearing the cape," says Whitesell, adding, "there's a script that he's written that is a really cool [Batman] idea, so that's out there as an option."

While there is no confirmation whether or not Warner Bros. Pictures will use Affleck's script as the basis for their upcoming solo Batman film, it looks like a viable option. Can't wait to see Affleck back in the director's chair behind his own Batman film.

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