Tuesday, March 15, 2016

"Indiana Jones 5" With Harrison Ford And Steven Spielberg Confirmed For 2019

Grab your bullwhip and hat because Indy is back!

Disney announced today that a fifth "Indiana Jones" film with director Steven Spielberg and Harrison Ford reprising the iconic role is moving forward for a July 19, 2019 release date.

Ever since Lucasfilm was bought by Disney, we've been hearing rumors of an "Indiana Jones" reboot of some sort, with some reports saying Chris Pratt may take over the legendary character. After months of hearing Ford wouldn't return to the play Indy again, I'm actually kinna relieved to hear that we are getting the one and only Indiana Jones back on the silver screen. I think "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" has proved that Ford still has it in him to play the action hero so I'm excited to see what Spielberg and Ford will bring to the character for his 5th outing.

Welcome back, Indiana Jones. Be better than Crystal Skull please.

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