Wednesday, March 16, 2016

"Bur-Hur" 2016 Remake Debuts First Official Trailer

Sigh... Just why?

A lot of us film buffs will know that "Ben-Hur" will forever be considered one of the greatest achievements in cinema history. Clearly the filmmakers behind this lazy remake didn't acknowledge the genius of the original. Director Timur Bekmambetov, "Wanted" and "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter", is bringing us new "retelling" of the classic tale that looks like a tasteless, witless, unimaginative and watered down version of other sword-and-sandal films like  "300", "Immortals" and "Gladiator". Hell, the "Clash of the Titans" remake looked more epic than this. This new "Ben-Hur" remake is an eerie reminder of 2014's "The Legend of Hercules", which currently holds a 3% on Rotten Tomatoes...

With nothing new to offer, a B-list cast [aside from Morgan Freeman] and a presumably smaller budget in comparison to other great epics, this is a remake that should never have existed.

Why remake a classic masterpiece without putting in some thought into it? Senseless.

Watch the [horrible] trailer here:

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