Sunday, July 12, 2015

"Suicide Squad" Trailer Won't Be Official Released For Some Time

Among the slew of amazing things that came out of San Diego Comic Con this year, one of the convention's highlights was definitely the sneak peak at 2016's "Suicide Squad". The trailer was extremely well received by the fans at Hall-H and was one of the most talked about trailers of the whole event. Of course, naturally the trailer was leaked online for all of us to see and we were all hooked on this movie. Sadly, the guys at Warner Bros. were not too pleased by this.

Today, Warner Bros. put out an official statement concerning when we will be seeing the official "Suicide Squad" trailer and about the trailer leaking: “We have no plans currently to release the Suicide Squad footage that leaked from Hall H on Saturday," Sue Kroll, the President of Worldwide Marketing and International Distribution for Warner Bros, told Deadline. "It’s unfortunate and ultimately damaging that one individual broke a long-standing trust we have enjoyed with our fans at the convention by posting early material, which, at this point, was not intended for a wider audience. We are still in production on Suicide Squad, and will have a big campaign launch in the future. Our presentation yesterday was designed to be experienced in that room, on those big screens!"

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