Thursday, July 2, 2015

First Official "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" Production Stills Revealed

The battle commences.

Earlier today, Entertainment Weekly has revealed the first official production photos from the much anticipated, "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice", and they are glorious. Here are the photos and each of the descriptions Entertainment Weekly has provided.

"If you’re going toe-to-toe with the son of Jor-El, you better come correct. For his climactic rooftop brawl with Superman, Batman outfits himself with a reinforced mech-suit equipped with strength-augmenting armor and, yes, kryptonite. The design resembles the one used for the confrontation between these two in Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns."

This does confirm that this is indeed the climactic fight in the film and that kryptonite will be introduced into the DC Cinematic Universe.

"Batman and Wonder Woman have a meeting of alter-egos as Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince parry and flirt at a high-society function. “I love the fact that there was this Thomas Crowne Affair, Bond-y sexy scene that they wrote about two people who are pretending to be two different people who each know the secrets of the other person,” says Ben Affleck."

The dynamic between Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince seen in this one still alone speaks volume for what we will be seeing in the film. Gal Gadot as Diana Prince looks pretty amazing. Of course, like everyone else, I was extremely worried about her casting in this film but I think those worries are now decreasing.

"Henry Cavill returns to reprise his role as Superman from Man of Steel, but this time the point-of-view has shifted. “I like to think that Man of Steel was the perspective of the world from Clark, Kal-El, looking at the world and trying to exist with in it,” says Cavill. 'Batman v Superman is definitely more mankind’s perspective of Superman.'"

"The grit and gray of Man of Steel was both a continuation of the attempted realism of Christopher Nolan’s trilogy and a counterpoint to Marvel’s bright, zippy playtime. And that was before Zack Snyder ever got to Gotham. 'It means that when it was supposed to look rainy and miserable, it had to be rainy and miserable,' says Affleck of the high chance of precipitation on set. 'The long dark night of the soul and whatnot.'"

"Jesse Eisenberg builds on his experience from The Social Network to play a billionaire with even grander schemes: Lex Luthor. And while his version of the villain might be sporting luscious locks in this photo, you can rest assured that the movie will feature that iconic chrome dome."

Although this is an entirely new look for the iconic super villain, I somehow find Lex's new look to be fitting for this version of the character. It's also very comforting to know that he will be sporting the bald look, which was revealed a few months ago by Zack Snyder via Twitter.

These images released by Entertainment Weekly have only increased by anticipation for the film. It seems like a long way out but "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" looks to be something really special. Something massive. Yeah, I had my doubts like everyone else did but those doubts are now turning into excitement.

What do you think of these new "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" images?

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