Saturday, July 11, 2015

BREAKING: "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" Comic Con Trailer Released Online

The world's finest colliding!

During the Warner Bros. panel in Hall H at San Diego Comic Con, the eagerly awaited fans cheered after seeing the new "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" trailer for the first time and demanded an encore. Sure enough, they played the trailer again and the crowd went wild. And now, for those of us unable to attend SDCC, the trailer has been officially released online.

All of my fears concerning this film have officially been relieved by this trailer. Jesse Eisenberg as the supervillain Lex Luthor was both devious and menacing as Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman (and her alter ego Diana Prince), while slightly different (in appearance) from the previous incarnations, looks pretty great. Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne continues to amaze me as he slowly begins to embody the dark, brooding character of the dark knight. Henry Cavill has proven himself in "Man of Steel" as being a great Kal-El and he continues being great in this trailer. Although I did like the handheld camera style in "Man of Steel", Larry Fong's cinematography in this trailer is simply gorgeous to look at. Having worked with director Zack Snyder for "300" and "Watchmen", Fong has been one of the driving forces in making Zack Snyder who he is today and his camerawork in this trailer alone does not disappoint.

A fantastic trailer that I have seen over 10 times in the past half hour. It's just a brilliant trailer and I cannot wait for 2016 to come roaring in.

Watch the exclusive trailer here:

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