Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Channing Tatum Leaving "Gambit"?

Are we losing our favorite Cajun mutant?

It has been reported by The Wrap that Channing Tatum, who just appeared at San Diego Comic Con several weeks ago, has exited "Gambit" because his deal with Fox has fallen apart. The Wrap has also stated that there is a chance to resolve all of this ruckus but as of right now "Gambit" is without a leading star.

Could Taylor Kitsch come back as the role to replace Tatum? We all love to hate "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" and rightfully so but Kitsch was the one glimmer of hope (besides Hugh Jackman as the titular character) that made the film worth watching.

What do you think of Fox's new situation? Will Tatum return as Gambit? Or will Kitsch? Or will a new actor entirely come on board for the film? Whatever they do, they better do it fast because the film has a October 2016 release date.

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