Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Netflix Plans To Release A Marvel Show Every 6 Months

The future of the MCU on the small screen looks brighter than ever.

It has just been announced, at the Television Critics Association summer meeting, that Netflix will be producing a new Marvel show every 6 months. Their first collaboration together was the critically acclaimed "Marvel's Daredevil" that was released earlier this year. The next Marvel/Netflix show will be "A.K.A. Jessica Jones" which will be released late this year.

With this news, I am excited to see more Marvel shows coming to Netflix. I think it's brilliant to have these small side-mission type stories alongside the large group adventures of the Avengers on the big screen.

What do you think of this news?

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Channing Tatum Leaving "Gambit"?

Are we losing our favorite Cajun mutant?

It has been reported by The Wrap that Channing Tatum, who just appeared at San Diego Comic Con several weeks ago, has exited "Gambit" because his deal with Fox has fallen apart. The Wrap has also stated that there is a chance to resolve all of this ruckus but as of right now "Gambit" is without a leading star.

Could Taylor Kitsch come back as the role to replace Tatum? We all love to hate "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" and rightfully so but Kitsch was the one glimmer of hope (besides Hugh Jackman as the titular character) that made the film worth watching.

What do you think of Fox's new situation? Will Tatum return as Gambit? Or will Kitsch? Or will a new actor entirely come on board for the film? Whatever they do, they better do it fast because the film has a October 2016 release date.

Chris Pine Joins DCU As Steve Trevor In "Wonder Woman"

Captain Kirk has boarded the Starship DCCU.

It's official: Chris Pine (Captain James T. Kirk in the "Star Trek" reboot) will now be a part of the DC Cinematic Universe as Steve Trevor in "Wonder Woman". He will star alongside Gal Gadot in the upcoming film and will appear in future films as he signed a multi-picture deal. This does however end the rumor of Pine starring as Hal Jordan in a rumored Green Lantern Corps film.

I'm excited to see Pine join the DCCU as Warner Bros. and DC are clearly assembling some great talent for their cinematic universe.

What do you think of Chris Pine joining the DCCU?

New "Deadpool" Images Revealed By Empire Magazine

"Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice" isn't the only thing Empire shed light on.

On the same issue of Empire Magazine, we were blessed with new images of the highly anticipated "Deadpool" film.

The merc with the mouth in all his glory with his katana out and ready for action.

A new look at Copycat played by Morena Baccarin with Wade Wilson (pre-Deadpool).

And here he is alongside Negasonic Teenage Warhead (who has the coolest name ever).

What do you think of these new "Deadpool" images from Empire?

New "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" Images Revealed By Empire Magazine

The world's finest are colliding soon and we can't wait to witness it.

Earlier today, Empire Magazine has revealed 3 exclusive new images from the highly anticipated "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" of Superman, Batman and Lex Luthor.

Interestingly enough, this is Superman (played by Henry Cavill) in the ruins of Wayne Manor, confirmed by Empire Magazine, looking exceptionally brooding.

Batman (played by Ben Affleck) is ready to fight superman with his mechanical armor as he calls the Kryptonian out using his trademark Batsignal, as seen in the trailer.

This is definitely the most interesting and most revealing image of the 3 Empire has revealed. This is Lex Luthor at what appearances to be LexCorp's HQ with the official LexCorp logo behind him. This version of Luthor is definitely going for the Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg type of billionaire, making the character fit more with the times. I am still deciding whether I like this new version of Luthor or not but I will reserve my criticisms until the film comes out.

What do you think of these new images?

Mark Hamill Will Return As The Joker In "The Killing Joke"

The iconic voice is returning again!

At this year's San Diego Comic Con, it was revealed that DC's next animated film will be an adaptation of Alan Moore's classic "The Killing Joke". Now, it has been reported that Mark Hamill, who has voiced the clown prince of crime for years, has officially been attached to the project.

As a fan, I am super excited to see (or rather hear) him return to the role with "The Killing Joke", which is due out next year.

Are you excited to have Mark Hamill back as the Joker again?

Thursday, July 23, 2015

"Jurassic World" Sequel And Its Release Date Announced

The park is reopen?

Universal Pictures has officially announced that a sequel to this year's "Jurassic World", that is now the highest grossing film of 2015 and the 3rd highest grossing film of all-time, is in the works and has a tentative release date of June 22nd, 2018. It is said that Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard are set to return as their respective characters in the sequel along with Colin Trevorrow writing the script for the film. It is unknown whether or not he will be directing the film but he definitely will be writing the film's screenplay.

As a fan of "Jurassic World", I am very excited to hear this news and I cannot wait to see the cast and crew of the film coming back for another film. And, on a sidenote, this film is coming out on the same year as the "Godzilla" sequel, directed by Gareth Edwards, so it looks like Legendary Pictures is going to be destroying 2018 with its movie monsters!

What do you think about the "Jurassic World" sequel? What will happen? Who else will return in the film? Is the park open again or are the dinosaurs set loose upon the Earth?

New "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2" Trailer Released

Turn your weapons to the Capitol.

As the release date for "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2" draws nearer, we were gifted with another trailer for the last installment of "The Hunger Games" franchise. Katniss continues to lead her resistance army against Snow and the Capitol, which makes this young adult novel series into a post apocalyptic war film series. Very excited for the epic finale of "The Hunger Games"!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

2nd Official "Spectre" Trailer Released

The most dangerous Bond villain is back with a vengeance.

The upcoming 24th James Bond film, "Spectre", brings back a classic Bond villain from the original Sean Connery days, Spectre, while also looking forward into the future of the long lasting franchise and it looks like Sam Mendes ("American Beauty", "Skyfall") is doing a tremendous job at that. A brand new trailer for "Spectre" was just released online and it is stunning. The visuals, the action, the Bond girls, the villains, and, of course, James Bond himself are all amazing in this new trailer.

Watch the new trailer here:

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

New "The Good Dinosaur" Trailer Released

Gorgeous. Simply beautiful.

This new official full trailer for Pixar's upcoming "The Good Dinosaur" showcases some of the best animation the studio has ever done. It captures the remarkable friendship between a boy and a dinosaur beautifully and in a way that we have never seen before. This looks like a spectacular film and we cannot wait to see it!

And also, is this film going to be without dialogue? There is not one line of dialogue in this new trailer so I am starting to believe these characters in this film are communicating amongst each other visually. If so, that is a bold choice for Pixar and I am 100% for that idea. We'll see once the film is out in theaters.

Watch the official trailer here:

Sunday, July 19, 2015

"Ant-Man" Grosses $58 Million On Opening Weekend And Tops The Box Office

He may be small but he made a big impact on us.

It's a Marvel film so you'd expect it to be a box office smash but "Ant-Man" falls a little behind the other Avengers by making $58 million on its opening weekend. Still, it's not a bad number. Disney distribution chief Dave Hollis reportedly admitted that he wished "Ant-Man" did better at the box office, but was still pleased that Marvel has continued their consistency of making box office hit films. But this film, about an obscure third tier Marvel superhero with an absurd name, making $58 million at the box office doesn't sound bad to me at all. Yes, "Guardians of the Galaxy" made more in its opening weekend but that had an ensemble cast with even more weird characters, which attracted audiences more in my opinion. Seeing "Ant-Man" garner $58 million is a testament to our trust in Marvel Studios and that we will watch whatever they put in theaters.

Go watch "Ant-Man" now in IMAX 3D, 3D and 2D!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

REVIEW: "Ant-Man"

The Marvel Cinematic Universe. This relatively new comic-book film franchise has forever changed the way Hollywood currently sees how to create a franchise and a film universe. Practically every studio is now scrabbling to create their own cinematic universe with their own film properties (i.e. Warner Brothers with DC Comic films and Universal Pictures with their classic film monsters). But it seems like we, as the audience, have the most confidence in Marvel Studios as we constantly say that Marvel can do no wrong. So far, Marvel Studios hasn't put out a bad movie. Each film in the series has their pros and cons but most of the films have a lot more pros than cons. The universe is solid and its characters are beloved by all, even to those who never read a single comic in their life. And now, Marvel has provided us with a new solo superhero film about a superhero most people haven't heard of. We saw something similar last year with "Guardians of the Galaxy" and that film garnered rave reviews for critics and audiences and grossed $774.2 million worldwide. We also know that Edgar Wright had to depart from the production of "Ant-Man" due to creative differences and director Peyton Reed was later attached to direct the film. For us cinephiles, production troubles and change of directors often means that the film will end up being a jumbled mess due to the project being in the hands of so many different creative minds. So, despite all of "Ant-Man"'s production's problems, does the film still work?

"Ant-Man" stars Paul Rudd, Michael Douglas, Evangeline Lilly, Corey Stoll and Michael Peña and is directed by Peyton Reed. The film follows Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) who decides to assist a former superhero, Hank Pym (Michael Douglas), along with his daughter, Hope van Dyne (Evangeline Lilly), in keeping a secret serum, which is able to decrease or increase the size and strength of a subject, from Pym's former protégé Darren Cross (Corey Stoll). In order to safeguard the technology, Lang has to become the superhero known as Ant-Man and save the world from Cross' evil plans. I'm very happy to say that Marvel has done it again. They really can do no wrong. This might be one of the funniest Marvel films to date. "Ant-Man" is a hilarious, action-packed, heartwarming and entertaining summer thrill ride that had audiences laughing and cheering by the end of the picture. For a director to pull off such a ridiculous and absurd superhero like Ant-Man and make a film that is both charming and fun is no easy task. In the wrong hands, this film could have been a complete mess or, worse, a parody of itself. From the moment the film opened until the very end, "Ant-Man" is just pure lighthearted pleasure. It never tries to reach too high in depth or stoop so low into mediocrity, the film remains as an enjoyable flick in the ever growing Marvel Cinematic Universe.

The casting of Paul Rudd as Scott Lang/Ant-Man was simply genius. He nails it as the titular character and was able to bring so much charm and likability to this role, which made for some very entertaining and fun dialogue scenes between him and his fellow cast members. It was both interesting and hilarious seeing Rudd's Scott Lang riff on Ant-Man itself (i.e. the name and costume) and why they shouldn't just call the Avengers for help instead. Ironically, Lang's story arc in the film is very similar to that of Tony Stark's plotline in the first "Iron Man" film, which is an interesting parallel for this film universe. But what made Lang's character shine so much was his motivation for becoming Ant-Man. I found the storyline between him and his family to be very touching and added a sense of hope and redemption to his character. But not only does Rudd deliver in the comedy and drama, he handled the action set pieces incredibly well. Action packed and hilarious, Rudd has it all and was definitely the right choice to play Ant-Man.

So far, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has cast some grade A actors over the course of their 11 film history (i.e. Samuel L. Jackson, Jeff Bridges, Edward Norton, and Glenn Close). And now for the studio's 12th film, we were treated to Michael Douglas as the original Ant-Man, Hank Pym, and the results were fantastic. We haven't seen too much of Michael Douglas in the past few years and "Ant-Man" was the perfect film for him to bring his gravitas back to the silver screen. Like Paul Rudd, Douglas was able to merge comedy and drama very well and brought something different to the table. He also had a very moving and interesting backstory to develop his character even further and I'm glad that the filmmakers were able to bring some depth to the characters of Hank Pym and his daughter, who I will get to in a moment, and used their complicated dynamic to take the story in a better direction. Douglas is better than ever and is a definitely welcomed addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

As I mentioned before, the dynamic between Michael Douglas' Hank Pym and Evangeline Lilly's Hope van Dyne gave "Ant-Man" an extra layer of depth and both actors were able to portray that storyline very well. Lilly plays van Dyne as a cold, calculating and tough character and is yet another strong female superhero that is to be added to the Marvel Cinematic Universe along with the likes of Black Widow and Peggy Carter. Her relationship with her father is a complicated one and Lilly was able to pull it off in a way that didn't make the audience disbelieve her feelings towards him. She kicked ass while also being incredibly beautiful and I loved every moment of her presence in the film. Marvel has announced that we will be seeing more of van Dyne so I can't wait to see more of Evangeline Lilly in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Ever since "House of Cards", Corey Stoll has been one of my favorite character actors in the business. His wide range of characters really is a testament to how talented Stoll is and he brings his all in "Ant-Man" as Hank Pym's former protégé, Darren Cross. While not as developed as Loki or Ultron, Darren Cross was a menacing and imposing villain that posed a major threat to all of the major characters in the film. Although he isn't the most compelling or interesting villain that we have seen in recent film history, he was diabolical enough to keep tensions between him and Scott Lang/Hank Pym high and one of the more memorable villains in the Marvel Cinematic Universe in my opinion.

Let's talk about Michael Peña. This man... What can I say? He is comedy gold. Whenever the film needed to have something light and something humorous, Michael Peña stole every scene he was in and was definitely the funniest character in the entire film. His quick quips with Scott Lang and the others in his crew were some of the funniest and most absurd things I've ever heard in a superhero film, which really did match the overall tone of the film. It's my belief that Michael Peña's character was entirely created by Edgar Wright. The fast paced dialogue and absurd references and quirks all sound like something right out of an Edgar Wright film, and it really does make it all the more better with some of Wright's strange dialogue making it in the final cut of the film.

We knew that "Ant-Man" was going to be a visual marvel (pun intended) when we discovered that director Edgar Wright was attached to the film. But after his departure, we were all curious to see how "Ant-Man" would look and feel. Thankfully, Peyton Reed was able to capture the essence of the character beautifully by creating incredible set pieces and creative action sequences. The depth of field was so blurred in the film that it really does make you feel as if you are there alongside Lang in this tiny, tiny world. The CGI never looked cheesy or hokey in the film because the filmmakers were able to use photorealistic shots of various mundane or exciting settings (i.e. drain pipes, electrical circuit boards) that factored into the film extraordinary well.

Also, I'm extremely glad that "Ant-Man" didn't hammer us over the head with references to the other Marvel films that have already come out. The references are scarce but also tie into the plot very well and are very entertaining. And keep in mind that in "Ant-Man", there are 2 post credit sequences and not one like in "Avengers: Age of Ultron" so stay until the very end of the credits for something that got all of us super excited in the theater.

Overall, this is a very fun and entertaining film that aims to be nothing more and nothing less, which makes it very charming. But there is one outstandingly gorgeous sequence in the 3rd act (that I will not spoil), which I consider to be one of the most beautiful sequences of the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe. The casting of Paul Rudd, Michael Douglas, Evangeline Lilly, Corey Stoll and Michael Peña were all fantastic. Peyton Reed was able to take over Edgar Wright's position effortlessly. And the visual effects and overall visual style of the film was beautiful to look at. Although this is not a perfect film, it is one that I am glad I saw in theaters (go see it in IMAX 3D because it's immersive beyond belief) and I had an extraordinary time watching the film. All of you Marvel fans and fans of comic books films have to go see "Ant-Man"! I give the film an 8.5 out of 10.

Go see it now in IMAX 3D, 3D, and 2D!

New "X-Men: Apocalypse" Images Revealed

Humans will fall and the humans will rise.

Entertainment Weekly has revealed to us the first official images for X-Men: Apocalypse" and they are intriguing as always.

In these images, we get our first look at newcomers Alexandra Shipp (as young Ororo Munroe/Storm), Olivia Munn (as Betsy Braddock/Psylocke) and Oscar Isaac (as En Sabah Nur/Apocalypse). Apocalypse's design has fans split from good and bad but I think it's rather unique design that we should not judge just yet. Remember when we all thought Quicksilver from "X-Men: Days of Future Past" looked like the worst thing ever?

Here we seen (from left to right) Jennifer Lawrence as Raven/Mystique, Rose Bryne as Moira MacTaggert, James McAvoy as Charles Xavier/Professor X, Lucas Till as Alex Summers/Havok, and Nicholas Hoult as Hank McCoy/Beast planning something in Cerebro. Does this mean Mystique teams up with Xavier again?

Here is Michael Fassbender as Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto with an unknown figure standing in the foreground. Who could this be? We are aware the Magneto becomes one of Apocalypse's Four Horsemen so could the person standing behind him be working with Apocalypse?

Arguably the best character(s) in "X-Men: Days of Future Past". Here is Jennifer Lawrence as Raven/Mystique with Evan Peters as Peter Maximoff with all new, what I presume to be, X-Men outfits. So does Mystique and Quicksilver join forces with the X-Men?

The final picture is off director Bryan Singer giving director to Oscar Isaac as Apocalypse, Michael Fassbender as Magneto and Alexandra Shipp as young Storm.

Overall, these images evoke awe and wonder and imagination. We cannot wait to see any new footage from the film, outside of the low-rez leaked footage we saw from Comic Con.

What do you think of theses images?

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

New "Fantastic Four" Trailer Released

The final trailer is here.

Next month, the iconic Marvel superhero team, the Fantastic Four, are coming to the big screen in a contemporary re-imagining of the longest running Marvel superhero team. In this final trailer, we get glimpses of things we have not seen before along with some finalized visual effects shots. Overall, I am still looking forward to this film and hoping for the best (considering this franchise's track record, it's best to be cautiously optimistic).

"X-Men" 15th Anniversary

15 years ago on this very day, the new wave of superhero/comic book films began.

On July 14th, 2000, director Bryan Singer​ brought "X-Men" to the world and we were spellbound. In a time when the superhere genre was dead for a few years (with the help of films like "Batman and Robin​"), "X-Men" took audiences and critics by storm (pun intended) by being packed with both action and interesting characters. And due to the success of this film, it paved the way for films like the Sam Raimi​ "Spider-Man​ Trilogy" or "Hellboy​" to be made (which inevitably lead to the current run of great superhero films). And also "X-Men" was the film that made Hugh Jackman​ a household name.

We owe so much to this film and I want to celebrate its legacy today on its 15th anniversary!

Can't wait for "X-Men: Apocalypse​" coming next year!

Monday, July 13, 2015

BREAKING: "Suicide Squad" Comic Con Footage Officially Released Online

The patsies. The Suicide Squad is here from Comic Con.

Yesterday it was reported that Warner Bros. Pictures would not release the "Suicide Squad" footage that was shown to the audience at Hall H online. However, Warner Bros. officially released the Comic Con footage today with Sue Kroll, President Worldwide Marketing and International Distribution for Warner Bros. Pictures, stating "Warner Bros. Pictures and our anti-piracy team have worked tirelessly over the last 48 hours to contain the Suicide Squad footage that was pirated from Hall H on Saturday. We have been unable to achieve that goal. Today we will release the same footage that has been illegally circulating on the web, in the form it was created and high quality with which it was intended to be enjoyed. We regret this decision as it was our intention to keep the footage as a unique experience for the Comic Con crowd, but we cannot continue to allow the film to be represented by the poor quality of the pirated footage stolen from our presentation."

Thank you, Warner Bros. Pictures, for providing us fans with the original HD quality version of the trailer. It was a smart move on your part to release the official trailer and not continue to have the leaked low-rez version of the trailer floating around the Internet. Thank you for releasing the trailer.

Watch the Comic Con trailer here:

Sunday, July 12, 2015

"Suicide Squad" Trailer Won't Be Official Released For Some Time

Among the slew of amazing things that came out of San Diego Comic Con this year, one of the convention's highlights was definitely the sneak peak at 2016's "Suicide Squad". The trailer was extremely well received by the fans at Hall-H and was one of the most talked about trailers of the whole event. Of course, naturally the trailer was leaked online for all of us to see and we were all hooked on this movie. Sadly, the guys at Warner Bros. were not too pleased by this.

Today, Warner Bros. put out an official statement concerning when we will be seeing the official "Suicide Squad" trailer and about the trailer leaking: “We have no plans currently to release the Suicide Squad footage that leaked from Hall H on Saturday," Sue Kroll, the President of Worldwide Marketing and International Distribution for Warner Bros, told Deadline. "It’s unfortunate and ultimately damaging that one individual broke a long-standing trust we have enjoyed with our fans at the convention by posting early material, which, at this point, was not intended for a wider audience. We are still in production on Suicide Squad, and will have a big campaign launch in the future. Our presentation yesterday was designed to be experienced in that room, on those big screens!"

What do you think of these comments?

"Deadpool" Trailer To Official Drop Online In 3 Weeks

Screw the low-rez leaked trailer, the real one is coming!

During the Fox panel on yesterday at San Diego Comic Con, the cast and crew of the the upcoming "Deadpool" film revealed the first official footage to the fans at Hall H and they went nuts. Soon after, it was leaked online for all of us who were not in San Diego to see and it was glorious. However, it seems like we aren't getting the official thing until next month.

Ryan Reynold just tweeted out that the official "Deadpool" trailer will be released in 3 weeks because they want to finish some of the VFX shots.

Can't wait to see the full HD trailer? I can't either.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

BREAKING: "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" Comic Con Trailer Released Online

The world's finest colliding!

During the Warner Bros. panel in Hall H at San Diego Comic Con, the eagerly awaited fans cheered after seeing the new "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" trailer for the first time and demanded an encore. Sure enough, they played the trailer again and the crowd went wild. And now, for those of us unable to attend SDCC, the trailer has been officially released online.

All of my fears concerning this film have officially been relieved by this trailer. Jesse Eisenberg as the supervillain Lex Luthor was both devious and menacing as Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman (and her alter ego Diana Prince), while slightly different (in appearance) from the previous incarnations, looks pretty great. Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne continues to amaze me as he slowly begins to embody the dark, brooding character of the dark knight. Henry Cavill has proven himself in "Man of Steel" as being a great Kal-El and he continues being great in this trailer. Although I did like the handheld camera style in "Man of Steel", Larry Fong's cinematography in this trailer is simply gorgeous to look at. Having worked with director Zack Snyder for "300" and "Watchmen", Fong has been one of the driving forces in making Zack Snyder who he is today and his camerawork in this trailer alone does not disappoint.

A fantastic trailer that I have seen over 10 times in the past half hour. It's just a brilliant trailer and I cannot wait for 2016 to come roaring in.

Watch the exclusive trailer here:

5-Minute "The Man From U.N.C.L.E." Shown At Comic Con

Another Comic Con exclusive.

During the massive Warner Bros. panel at Comic Con, one of the film's the studio showcased with the upcoming Guy Ritchie film "The Man From U.N.C.L.E." and as a treat for all the fans at Hall H, they premiered a 5-minute trailer for the film. Although a 5-minute trailer may seem like it could spoiler some important plot details, they made sure no crucial scenes were shown in the trailer. After each piece of marketing I've seen for the film, I get more excited to see it on the big screen.

Watch the SDCC trailer here:

Friday, July 10, 2015

"Pacific Rim 2" Begins Shooting In November

The mechs are back to fight the kaiju once more!

In an interview with Yahoo!, Guillermo del Toro, director of "Pan's Labyrinth", revealed that shooting for the "Pacific Rim" sequel will begin this November and is currently "deep into designing the robots, the kaijus...having fun planning the battles."

The sequel is due out on August 4th, 2016.

Excited for "Pacific Rim 2"?

"Star Wars: The Force Awakens" Comic Con Reel Released Online

Our excitement for this movie cannot be contained.

Today at San Diego Comic Con, Lucasfilm provided the fans at Hall H with a beautiful exclusive film reel of the "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" production as they show us all the amazing practical effects that were done in order to bring the film to life. It is a truly gorgeous looking video and one of the most impressive film reels I have ever seen. My excitement for this movie only elevates with every new piece of footage or production images I see.

"The Walking Dead" Season 6 Trailer Revealed At SDCC

The walkers are back... but they aren't the ones with the most bite.

Every year, San Diego Comic Con has always revealed the first official trailer to the next season of the AMC show "The Walking Dead" and this was no different. With season 6 coming later this year (October 11th), the crowds at Hall H were pleased to see this gloriously bloody, nail-bitingly intense trailer. It looks like all hell is breaking loose with the group over at Alexandria as tensions seem to grow more and more.

What will happen in season 6? We still don't know much. But from the looks of it, it looks like there's going to be a war brewing between Rick's group and the Alexandrians.

Watch the season 6 trailer here:

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Ben Affleck Will Direct And Co-Write Batman Standalone Film

The new series is coming soon.

It was just announced from San Diego Comic Con, that Ben Affleck, who will be playing the dark knight in "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice", will be directing and co-writing the screenplay with writer Geoff Johns. With Affleck proving himself to be a more than competent director, I feel as if this next standalone Batman film will be something fantastic.

What do you think of this piece of Batman movie news?

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

First "Goosebumps" Trailer Dropped Online

Something spooky and nostalgic is coming.

The first official trailer for the upcoming film, "Goosebumps", based on the popular book series has just been released and it looks like a ton of fun. Jack Black plays R. L. Stine, the writer of the "Goosebumps" books, and attempts to recapture the monsters that he created that all escaped from old manuscripts of his books. The film looks imaginative, fun and creative and with director Rob Letterman who directed "Shrek" and "Monsters vs. Aliens", this sounds like a great adventure film.

BREAKING: Marisa Tomei Cast As Aunt May In New "Spider-Man" Movie

An iconic superhero role cast.

For most of us, Aunt May is one of the most important non-superhero characters in comic book and comic book movie history. In the film world, she was played by Rosemary Harris, in the Sam Raimi "Spider-Man trilogy, and Sally Field, in the Marc Webb "The Amazing Spider-Man" films, who both portrayed her role beautifully in their respective films. And now that Marvel has just cast their new web-slinger, it seems that Aunt May has been cast as well. Variety reports that Marvel and Sony have chosen Oscar winner Marisa Tomei to play Aunt Man in the next "Spider-Man" series and might have a cameo appearance in "Captain America: Civil War".

This casting news sparked an outcry from the fans saying she's too young and too sexy to play the role. Yes, Tomei is an extremely beautiful woman, but she is also a great dramatic and comedic actress so I have complete faith in her pulling off the role and making it entirely her own.

What do you think of this casting news? Too young? Too sexy?

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

BREAKING: Elodie Yung Is Elektra For "Daredevil" Season 2

We finally have our Greek badass.

Marvel and Netflix have chosen Elodie Yung ("G.I. Joe: Retaliation") as Daredevil's famed love interest, Elektra Natchios, for season 2 of "Marvel's Daredevil". Executive Producer and Head of Marvel Television, Jeph Loeb, told, "After a worldwide search,  we found in Elodie the perfect actress to embody both Elektra’s impressive and deadly physicality, as well as her psychological complexity."

What do you think of Elodie Yung as Elektra in "Daredevil"?

Check out this official teaser poster for Elektra's appearance in "Daredevil".

Han Solo Stand-Alone Film To Be Directed By Phil Lord And Chris Miller

Our favorite smuggler is getting his own movie.

According to a report from The Hollywood Reporter, Phil Lord and Chris Miller (who both directed "The LEGO Movie" and the "Jump Street" movies) have signed on to direct a Han Solo stand-alone "Star Wars Anthology" film. The report claims that the film will mainly focus on a young Han Solo, but no plot details were mentioned. However, Disney and Lucasfilm have yet to comment on this report so this may still be just a rumor.

What do you think? Do you want to see a stand-alone Han Solo film?

Harry Shearer Returning To "The Simpsons"

A close call that stopped all of our hearts.

Not too long ago, we heard the heartbreaking news that Harry Shearer would be leaving the long-lasting "The Simpsons", however us fans can now sigh with relief as Shearer has confirmed with Entertainment Weekly that he has signed a new deal with FOX to stay on the show for 4 more seasons!

I'm so glad all the bad blood is now gone and that Shearer can remain part of the family!

Happy Birthday Eiji Tsuburaya​

The man who literally brought my dreams to life.

SFX director Eiji Tsuburaya​ was the Ray Harryhausen​ of Japan and pioneered in tokusatsu filmmaking (a Japanese live-action film/show featuring special effects). His all-time greatest creation will always be the king of the monsters, Godzilla​. Here he is on set of "Invasion of Astro-Monster" in 1965. His accomplishments in the Godzilla movies​ were so important to my life, so I want to pay tribute to him and his works on his birthday. Today is his 114th birthday and I know if he were still alive today, he would still be pioneering in the kaiju effects genre. You were a visionary and your work has been a landmark in cinema history.

Wishing you a very happy birthday, wherever you may be.

Falcon Confirmed For "Ant-Man"

An Avenger confirmed for "Ant-Man".

In a recent TV spot for the upcoming film, "Ant-Man", Marvel provided us with our first look at the appearance of Falcon in the film (shown above). How he factors into the story, we don't know, but this confirms he is in the film.