Friday, January 22, 2016

BREAKING: Lauren Cohan Cast As Martha Wayne In "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"

Looks like another actor from "The Walking Dead" joins the clash of the titans.

It has been reported today by IMdB that "The Walking Dead" actress, Lauren Cohan, has been cast as Martha Wayne in the highly anticipated "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" alongside her [upcoming] "The Walking Dead" co-star Jeffrey Dean Morgan.

Interesting how Maggie and the upcoming villainous Negan will be the parents of the dark knight in a pivotal flashback scene where they are both gunned down in a dark alleyway, leaving a young Bruce Wayne alive.

What do you think of this updated casting?

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

BREAKING: New "Suicide Squad" Trailer Released

The Guardians of the DC Cinematic Universe?

Today, the CW Network gave us a sneak peak at Warner Bros. Pictures and DC's lineup of new superhero films, coming to us in the very near future, and premiered the brand new trailer for this year's highly anticipated "Suicide Squad".

Click here to watch the trailer:

This trailer honestly floored me. Not only did WB and DC have the balls to use Queen's iconic song,"Bohemian Rhapsody" as the featured track but every single shot in this film, judging from the trailer alone, looks simply amazing. All the characters look incredible. The scenery and imagery are haunting and visually interesting.

And not to mention, The Joker (played by Jared Leto) just gets better and better. Although I was skeptical about Leto playing the role with the outrageous design, it looks like he is making the role is own and is really having fun with it.

This first official trailer for the "Suicide Squad" is pure gold.

I'm at a loss for words. Just amazing. You won tonight, DC!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Alan Rickman Dies At 69

This first month of 2016 has been a whirlwind of emotions.

Earlier this morning, I woke up to the sad news that one of the best and one of my personal favorite actors in the business today, Alan Rickman, has passed away at the age of 69 after a battle with cancer.

I've been watching Rickman in films for most of my life ever since I saw "Die Hard" for the first time. That's right; I saw "Die Hard" before I saw "Harry Potter". In my mind, Alan Rickman was one of those extraordinary actors who I wanted to work with in the future as a director and it's just so sad to see him go. He was a big on screen presence and one of the best stage actors today and will be sorely missed.

For us cinema lovers, we lost a big one today.

The entire world is raising their wands for you, Mr. Rickman. May you rest in peace.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

10 Most Anticipated Films of 2016

Now that 2016 is rearing its beautiful head, the world of cinema is blessed with another year of outstanding films. We're having a plethora of superhero/comic book films, intriguing dramas from our favorite directors and a number of indie films coming our way this year and here are my top 10 most anticipated films of the year. Since this is a short list here are some honorable mentions (in no particular order):
"X-Men: Apocalypse"
"Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them"
"Star Trek Beyond"
"La La Land"
"The Jungle Book"
"Bourne 5"
"Midnight Special"
"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows"
Now we got that out of the way, onto the top 10 list:

10.) "Doctor Strange"

Ever since Marvel Studios has revealed that they will be bringing Stephen Strange onto the big screen with director Scott Derrickson and Benedict Cumberbatch, people were really excited to see how this new cosmic story will fit into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And after the newly released images from Entertainment Weekly hit the web, my excitement for the film has quickly elevated. The comic accurate costume and overall appearance won me over, making November an exciting month for fans of the Marvel universe.

9.) "Hail, Caesar!"

The Coen brothers are two directors that are on any cinephiles' radar and after hearing that they will be tackling a caper set in the golden age of Hollywood with an incredible ensemble cast, the film has garnered quite a bit of attention. The first trailer for their latest film, "Hail, Caesar!", seemed to bring the promise that we were given when we first heard of the project. Big name actors, a sharp script, an interesting mystery and some nostalgic scenery; the Coen brothers are back and we can't wait to see their return.

8.) "Silence"

Not much has been revealed about Martin Scorsese's upcoming historical drama, "Silence", other than the simple synopsis, telling the story of 2 priests that are met with severe persecution in Japan when trying to spread Christianity to the people. Seeing how this is a Scorsese picture, I can't help but get excited over this film. Ever since "The Social Network", Andrew Garfield has been one of my favorite [young] actors and seeing him work with one of the greatest directors of all-time is going to be one hell of a treat. I'm sensing great things are going to come from this film and I can't wait to see it when it debuts in theaters later this year [no release date is confirmed].

7.) "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story"

After "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" crashed its way through the cinemas this year, which furthered the story of the iconic saga, I can't wait to see one that travels backwards in time and tells a story that takes place right before "A New Hope". With "Godzilla" director Gareth Edwards on board, I feel like this film will be a very different take on the "Star Wars" universe with a little bit more of an edge to it, which may end up being better than "Star Wars: The Force Awakens", which [as some of you may know] I wasn't particularly blown away by. Being the first stand-alone spin-off film, "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" has my intrigue and my interest.

6.) "The Neon Demon"

Since 2009, Nicolas Winding Refn has been one of my favorite directors working today and with subsequent masterpieces like "Drive" and "Only God Forgives", I can't help but get excited for his upcoming film, "The Neon Demon", which stars Elle Fanning as an aspiring actress who gets sucked into a seemingly dark world of beauty and despair. Not much is known about this film but the mystery makes me all the more eager to see it in theaters when it comes out [no release date is confirmed].

5.) "Deadpool"

Comic book fans have waited years and years for this film to be made and it's finally come to us in a little over a month. "Deadpool" looks like everything we wanted this film to be, which includes massive amounts of violence, a hilariously outlandish script, numerous breaking-the-fourth-wall jokes and Ryan Reynolds just owning the role. Although not much of the film's plot is known, other than what is given to us in the trailer, it seems that us knowing less will only further our enjoyment of this rated-R superhero flick. The time has come for Deadpool to leap onto the silver screen and to acknowledge us audience members sitting in the theaters throughout the course of the film.

4.) "Suicide Squad"

Meet the Guardians of the Galaxy but in the DC Cinematic Universe and a lot more dark. The 3rd film in DC's line-up of comic book films, "Suicide Squad", has been a film that has been highly anticipated ever since the project was greenlit. Arguably more anticipated than "Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice" judging by the number of views the trailer has on YouTube, "Suicide Squad" seems to be a very interesting entry in the superhero genre with heavy shadows, darker characters, adult themes and realistic violence. The trailer's haunting tone has taken the Internet by storm when first released and I for one can't wait to see this bad boy in theaters this August.

3.) "Captain America: Civil War"

In Marvel we trust. For the 13th film in the ever-growing Marvel Cinematic Universe, everybody's favorite patriotic boy-scout is back to fight for America's freedom against a fellow Avenger. 2 years ago, when Kevin Feige took to the stage at the El Capitan Theatre to announce the films of Phase 3, fans went nuts when they discovered that third Captain America film will be heavily inspired from the iconic seven-issue series, "Civil War". Steven Rogers is pitted up against Iron Man himself, Tony Stark, in a physical and ideological fight between the two superheroes. With their respective teams fighting for their own cause, "Captain America: Civil War" looks to be a massive film that will tear our hearts apart when it hits cinemas this May.

2. "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"

The clash of the titans. In 2013 at San Diego International Comic Con, Zack Snyder took to the stage and announced that in Superman's next outing, he will meet and potentially fight against the dark knight of Gotham, Batman in the follow up to "Man of Steel". While not a direct sequel to the 2013 film, the film takes place soon after the events of "Man of Steel" and pits Superman against an older and enraged Bruce Wayne, played by Ben Affleck, who's casting was met with extreme scrutiny when first announced. Gathering an ensemble cast of amazing and talented actors, it looks like "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" will be one hell of a ride. We have been waiting years to see these colossal giants meet on the silver screen and 2016 is finally the year they will meet [and fight]. Will this film be any good? I am a firm believer that this film will be good but only time will tell. But no matter what that outcome is, my excitement for this film cannot be understated.

1.) "Godzilla Resurgence" ("Shin Godzilla")

I'm sure my #1 pick came as a surprise to no one but "Godzilla Resurgence" ("Shin Godzilla") is my most anticipated film of 2016. Co-directed by Hideaki Anno and Shinji Higuchi, the creative minds behind "Evangelion", the film is set to bring a brand new and contemporary Godzilla story which is both riveting, horrifying and important to the famous franchise. As a life-long Godzilla fan, this film delivers on the promise of being a dark reimagining of the 1954 classic and breathes new life into the long franchise. I cannot wait to see in on the silver screen this summer and I cannot wait for all of you to experience it for yourselves.

What are you top 10 anticipated films of 2016?